So, I heard a song the other day. I know I’ve been talking a lot about music lately, but I’m just gonna share the second verse with you real quick-like…
“Don’t be ashamed of your past
If you’re shattered like a piece of glass
The more broke you are the more the light gets through
Show your wounds and your flaws
Show them why you still need the cross
Let them see the work He’s doing in you”
I heard this song (which by the way is Glow in the Dark by Jason Gray… download it now. It’s actually my new favorite song) on the way to deal with a sticky situation, in which I had to let down a few walls to fix the problem. For anyone who doesn’t know me, I’m not a huge emotion-sharer. I would MUCH rather take a horrible issue, completely disregard the actual problem at hand, and laugh about the entire situation. Being serious is not my strong point. So I knew that this day would be a challenge for me going into it, and I was pretty nervous the entire ride there. The beginning of this song was super peppy and fun, so immediately I turned my radio up because it sounds like the kind of music I LOVE! I wasn’t really listening closely to the words, until I heard “His love can make you radiate.” Mainly because it’s just lyrically fun to me for some reason! Also, because those kind of lines make me feel SO loved and safe… God can always work through us, no matter what we’ve done.
After that verse made my ears stand up a little bit, I started listening harder. I started feeling more at ease with the pickle I had gotten myself into, and I just felt more at peace! When I listen to songs that talk about how awesome God’s love is, I just feel so content with where I am and what I’m doing, I really like taking the words to heart.
It was like an instant assurance.
An immediate peace.
A sudden confirmation.
Everything was going to be okay, I was going to be okay, the situation was going to be okay, and everything would work out for His glory.
Knowing that I have a God that uses my weaknesses and mistakes to glorify Him is one of the most comforting things I could ever have in my heart. What I do doesn’t affect (by any means) what He is. He knew I was broken, and He showed me that He can ALWAYS shine His light through me.
Hearing that voice made me more vulnerable, and it made me open up about all of my flaws… this was one of the most important things I had to do to solve the problem I was driving down the road to face. One of my biggest struggles is my pride, and God used this one, fun little song to get me over that for a very important situation. Luckily, everything worked out and things are better than ever, and all parties involved in this situation grew closer to Him through a big ol’ mess. Who knew? Like seriously, GOD IS SO DARN COOL.
I know I’ve been off my blogging game for a while, so thank you to everybody that’s still crawling along with me. College has been a whirlwind, I tell ya. I can tell you this: God has worked in me.